Is GPU Water Cooling Worth It?
Is it worth water cooling your GPU or are the air coolers in the GPU enough? Here’s the ultimate guide to help you decide.
You may find GPus as interesting as we do. If that’s the case, you can learn more about them and become a GPU/hardware expert with our informative posts here.
Is it worth water cooling your GPU or are the air coolers in the GPU enough? Here’s the ultimate guide to help you decide.
What exactly is Nvidia SLI and is it even worth it? What is needed to run SLI? What GPUs are compatible with SLI? Find the answer to your questions here.
What cable should you use to connect your display with your computer? What cable supports 144Hz at 1080p or 1440p? What about 240Hz? Let’s find out.
Should you overclock your GPU or graphics card? Is overclocking your GPU even worth it and is it easy to do? Here’s the ultimate guide.
Are multi-GPU setups a pipe-dream or have either AMD or Nvidia managed to pull it off? Here we discuss the pros and cons of their approaches.
Limiting the FPS can be the perfect solution for you to get the best gaming experience. Here are the best FPS limiters to use right now.
Can a different monitor refresh rate affect performance? Here we discuss some things that are necessary to know when choosing a monitor for your setup.
There are many contributing factors to getting smooth gameplay, and one of the most important is VRAM. So let’s find out how much you need.
Experiencing a GPU bottleneck can seriously lower the frame rate and negatively impact the smoothness of gameplay. Here’s a simple guide.
With the high GPU prices, you likely pondered if you should buy a used graphics card. Well, we’re here to help you out with that decision.
What Is AMD’s Smart Access Memory (SAM) and how is it different from resizable BAR? Here’s a super short guide that explains it all.
Should you get a prebuilt PC or a custom PC? Will building a PC yourself even save money given the PC builders get the parts a lot cheaper? Here’s a guide.
We explain how video memory differs from system memory as well as clarify what different types of video memory are out there.
Both camps have put their best efforts to combat screen tearing, but which one did it better? Are there other options out there?
If you’re in the market for a new AMD GPU then you certainly need to learn what FreeSync is, how you can benefit from it, and if FreeSync is worth it.