FreeSync vs FreeSync Premium vs FreeSync Premium Pro – Which Is Best For You?

FreeSync is AMD's royalty-free answer to Nvidia's G-Sync, but what are the Premium and Premium Pro variations? We'll help you find out.

You have probably heard of FreeSync and might have seen it compared to G-Sync and VSync. These are all solutions to the same problem, but the various terms can quickly become confusing. AMD’s FreeSync and its newer Superior and Premium Pro versions will be the focus of this guide.

Before we take a closer look at what these different incarnations of FreeSync bring to the table and their distinctions, it’s crucial to understand the problem they’re trying to fix and other potential solutions. That problem is the dreaded screen tearing.

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So, FreeSync Solves Screen Tearing?

It does, but it isn’t the principal technology that aims to do so, nor was it the original.

Screen tearing is a visual glitch that occurs when either the graphics card produces more frames than the monitor can display or when the monitor refreshes too rapidly for the frames that the GPU can provide.

This is particularly problematic if you have invested in a high-powered GPU while keeping your old 60Hz monitor, and you play an FPS multiplayer game only to have your environment torn in two, costing you some vital kills.

To better understand FreeSync and its uses, we also need to consider similar solutions.

Vertical Synchronization – VSync

Screen tearing
Example of screen tearing. VSync solves this too, but at the cost of input lag. – Dead Rising 2

The first thing that probably comes to mind about VSync is just how long it has been a staple of PC games’ video settings. VSync can be considered the original solution for this problem. Although it’s far from flawless, it does produce positive results.

In essence, vertical synchronization will lock your GPU to 60 FPS to prevent the monitor from playing catch-up and keeping the monitor refresh rate and graphics card output synchronized. Although this means your powerful GPU won’t have the chance to perform to its fullest, it does solve the screen tearing problem.

Usually, in the majority of situations. When the GPU’s performance drops below 60 FPS, which might occur while gaming, the monitor will display the preceding picture produced. Nonetheless, this should only occur very momentarily.

This issue persisted when VSync was first introduced to the video gaming world, although it is now marginally different. NVIDIA was the first company to offer a competing solution.



Initially released in early 2013, G-Sync is a hardware solution that aims to fix the problem of screen tearing. G-Sync allows the display’s refresh rate to adapt to the graphics card.

NVIDIA achieved this by developing a feature for collision avoidance. When a new frame is ready to be outputted, and a duplicate of that frame is already on the screen, the new frame will expect the refresh and wait.

The main issue with this is that NVIDIA forced monitor manufacturers to use a dedicated G-Sync module.

You might be wondering why that affects you as a consumer. You won’t notice any adverse impact on your gaming, but that module comes at a cost. Display developers have to pay NVIDIA to add the module, so they increase their prices to compensate. Additionally, G-Sync is only available for NVIDIA graphics cards.

Another limitation is that G-Sync only runs via DisplayPort 1.2, whereas FreeSync was originally based on DisplayPort 1.2a and now uses HDMI 1.2+.

Related:What Is G-Sync And Is It Worth It?



FreeSync is AMD’s solution to screen tearing, which was released almost two years after G-Sync. Many consider it the superior solution, although in terms of performance, these two technologies are essentially equal.

This is the principal reason that some gamers are annoyed that NVIDIA still charges money for their tech. Meanwhile, AMD has allowed FreeSync, as its name suggests, to be used for free since its launch.

In addition, while NVIDIA requires G-Sync-ready monitors, AMD uses VESA’s accessible Adaptive-Sync standard. This makes FreeSync much more broadly available and reduces the costs of displays that support it.

freesync on vs off
Difference between FreeSync turned off and turned on (hint: look at the windows on the house)

This doesn’t mean that manufacturers can label their monitors “FreeSync Ready.” As with G-Sync, they need to meet certain criteria set by AMD, but at least their certification doesn’t cost a thing.

It’s also worth mentioning that there is a technique to enable G-Sync to run on a FreeSync monitor, however, it requires some tinkering with the settings and doesn’t always produce the optimal results.

This division doesn’t mean an NVIDIA card can’t run on a FresSync monitor or vice versa. In fact, they can do so quite effortlessly, but they won’t be able to support their unique technologies.

FreeSync operates comparably to G-Sync. It dynamically adjusts and synchronizes the screen refresh rate and displayed frames per second to prevent any screen tearing.

freesync off vs on
Here’s a more obvious example of FreeSync at work

Another fix brought by these technologies, which has been an issue with VSync, is input lag. With VSync, due to the discrepancy between frames being processed and those seen on the monitor, this has been quite a substantial downside.

Although it was not specifically designed to be easier on the eyes, FreeSync can boast about reducing the levels of flickering, which shouldn’t be disregarded.

FreeSync Premium

AMD FreeSync Premium

The ‘Premium’ part of the name immediately suggests an extra cost. It almost feels like a cheap shot from AMD, as the name is worryingly reminiscent of the detested freemium model in the video game world. However, that absolutely is not the situation.

First shown to the world at CES 2020, FreeSync Premium aimed to build upon its predecessor, retaining its characteristics while adding some distinctive touches.

One of these innovations is low framerate compensation (LFC), which addresses the framerate dropping below the monitor’s range. For instance, if the FPS drops below the monitor’s 30Hz range, LFC will increase the monitor’s refresh rate with a constant ratio. So, if the game is at 25 FPS, LFC will set the refresh rate to 50Hz, and that will still prevent the player from being affected by screen tearing.

Another cool thing about Premium is that it requires a refresh rate of at least 120Hz when gaming at complete high-definition resolution (1920 × 1080).

The downside of FreeSync Premium is that it’s a comparatively new technology, and not many monitors support it. Of course, this is likely a transient issue and should be solved with time.

FreeSync Premium Pro

FreeSync Premium Pro

It’s clear that AMD struggled with creative names if this is the best they came up with. It was originally known as FreeSync 2 HDR, but it seems they needed a way to convey that Premium Pro is a step above Premium.

This edition is aimed at those playing with HDR and outfitted with an RDNA 2 GPU.


What this HDR (high-dynamic-range imaging) support means for Pro is that it will deliver smooth HDR performance, while FreeSync and FreeSync Premium will be limited due to processing bandwidth. It’s important to note that, as of 2025, the list of games that support FreeSync Premium Pro is not very large. Big AAA games such as Horizon: Zero Dawn, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Far Cry 6 are on this list, but some notable omissions show this technology is still in its initial stages.

Like Premium, Pro retains all of its forerunner’s features, including Premium’s LFC.

Which One Is The Best For You?

AMD FreeSync vs FreeSync Premium vs FreeSync Premium Pro

Although each of these FreeSync versions solves the fundamental problem of screen tearing, it’s apparent that FreeSync Premium Pro is the ideal choice at present.

With ray tracing coming to AMD’s range of GPUs, acquiring a monitor that can support HDR is essential if you want stunning visuals in your games.

Important Note

Both DisplayPort 1.4 and HDMI 2.1 appear to feature innate VRR (variable refresh rate), so it might be prudent to hold off getting a FreeSync monitor if that’s the crucial factor, as alternatives are gaining traction.

However, it’s also worth noting that research into diverging prices has been indecisive.

The dominant consensus in the world of technology seems to suggest that we continue to hold off for a while longer before getting new tech.

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Aleksandar Cosic

Alex is a Computer Science student and a former game designer. That has enabled him to develop skills in critical thinking and fair analysis. As a CS student, Aleksandar has very in-depth technical knowledge about computers, and he also likes to stay current with new technologies.