What Is Anti-Aliasing And Which Type Should You Use?

Did you know that anti-.aliasing fixes jagged edges in games? Here's a simple guide to anti-aliasing and which type you should use.

Enjoying a steady frame rate alongside stunning-looking images has always been a balancing act. One of the main reasons that we have been able to enjoy smooth, crisp graphics is anti-aliasing.

Today, you can choose from numerous types of anti-aliasing to find the sweet spot of smooth gameplay and stunning graphics.

If you’re wondering what anti-aliasing is and how it makes your graphics look better, the short answer is that it smooths the serrated edges. The extensive explanation is far more complex, so let’s take a look.

Something worth mentioning before we continue: if your PC is capable of producing consistent 60 FPS gameplay at 4K on a 27-inch monitor, you likely don’t need anti-aliasing as the rendered images will look polished out of the box.

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How Does Anti-Aliasing Work?

Should You Buy A Used Graphics Card

Before responding to that query, let’s ensure we comprehend the reason behind those unsightly rough edges that show up on your screen initially.

If you’re unfamiliar with computer graphics, you should know that, although most video games are three-dimensional, the image displayed on your screen has to be planar. Unfortunately, we still don’t have stereoscopic monitors.

The GPU produces this 2D image by taking the camera’s perspective and sketching what it observes. This implies that it will generate an image representing the 3D objects by utilizing pixels. Sometimes, it’s just too demanding to portray those 3D assets the way they’re supposed to appear.

This results in issues such as pixelized images with jagged object edges.

Type in anti-aliasing.

To say that anti-aliasing smooths out that jaggedness is doing a disservice to this straightforward yet incredible technology. How does anti-aliasing achieve this?

Let’s delve deeper into the original problem to better understand the issue. When pixelized images are shown, the lines in these images are made of pixels connected together. This is fine if those lines are solely vertical or horizontal, but they seldom are.

A diagonal line will appear as a string of squares connected by their corners. Anti-aliasing resolves this problem by sampling from the adjacent area and filling the empty space with similar-looking pixels to create a smoother line.

anti aliasing

Which Type Of Anti-Aliasing Does What?

As mentioned earlier, there are multiple types of anti-aliasing. If you have ever tinkered with a contemporary game’s graphics settings, you are likely already familiar with this. Let’s examine each type of anti-aliasing and provide you with some insight into which type does what.

Supersample Anti-Aliasing (SSAA)

SSAA performs anti-aliasing by rendering the image in a higher resolution and then downsizing it. In theory, this is one of the most effective anti-aliasing methods, but it requires a very powerful machine to process it.

Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA)

The method operates a bit differently. MSAA will only smoothen specific areas of the frame when necessary. While this hastens the anti-aliasing and reduces the GPU’s labor, it may not always work impeccably.

You can also find MSAA available at x2, x4, and x8, with heightened system requirements as you go higher.

Coverage Sampling Anti-Aliasing (CSAA)

This is NVIDIA’s anti-aliasing solution which works very comparably to MSAA. Where it differs from MSAA is that it offers much improved performance and is naturally only available on NVIDIA cards.

Enhanced Quality Anti-Aliasing (EQAA)

Of course, AMD has devised an answer to NVIDIA’s exclusive anti-aliasing solution. It performs the same way as CSAA in that it works similarly to MSAA but doesn’t overwork the GPU. Of course, this is an AMD proprietary.

Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)

Like MSAA, you’re likely to find FXAA in almost every game’s settings, sometimes referred to as FSAA. However, FXAA isn’t as demanding for processing power as MSAA and is an ideal solution for those with lower-end machines.

Unfortunately, the way FXAA accomplishes this is somewhat ineffective. Its anti-aliasing process consists of smoothing out the jagged edges, but you will often find the entire image hazy. There will sometimes be tiny details that are completely smoothed over.

Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TXAA)


TXAA is only slightly more taxing than FXAA but is also a superior solution. It combines several techniques in order to smooth out the edges but still doesn’t work as effectively as we would have liked.

It is plagued by the same issue as FXAA in that it sometimes overly blurs. However, the favorable news is that this is still a relatively recent anti-aliasing type, and there is plenty of room for enhancement.

Selecting the optimal anti-aliasing technique can be challenging, and it typically depends on your device.

If you have a first-rate, premium computer, then SSAA is the best solution. If your PC is mid-range, you will probably have the most FPS with FXAA. However, we suggest tinkering with your settings and finding the optimal balance of attractive graphics and as much FPS as you feel you need.

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Branko Gapo

Keeping up with the incredibly fast evolution of computer technology is impossible. That is why Branko will be using his knowledge on this matter to share news and information on all the latest essential technological innovations and advancements.